We have decided to pursue an ambitious solar project at Alterra's shop building. The project involves 20 kilowatts of installed generating power to the roof of the shop. This installation will be one of the largest to date in West Virginia. It will be able to produce enough surplus power (25 Megawatt-hours/year) that we can get rid of our propane heat and have plenty left over for AC, daily operations, and future expansion. The generated power will produce a cash flow to payoff a short term loan as long as we also get two different grants. After its paid, the system will produce substantial income for years to come.
As the pieces come together, we will be reporting on the progress. We have already started roof preparation and reinforcement for the weight. We also have a work request number with Allegheny power who we will net meter. There's a lot of design and paperwork to go but we think this plan is worth the effort. Stay tuned as this plan comes together. It is especially valuable for small businesses.
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