West Virginians with solar installations may sell their solar renewable energy credits (SRECs) to the District of Columbia, Pennsylvania, and, Ohio. This monetary reward, up to 34 cents per kilowatt hour, helps to pay off the upfront costs of installing your own net metering PV system. It is essential to have this benefit to increase West Virginia's renewable energy content.
Since WV has no Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), we are at the mercy of other states to toss us a bone. The inclination of eligible SREC state markets is to prefer in-state installations first, then turn to outside sources to meet their needs. This puts WV installations as second rate and yields less value for your investment.
The answer to providing continued benefits for WV PV, is to have our own RPS legislation. I'm not sure how to promote that exactly. Do we pressure the WV Public Service Commission, our local representatives, or some entity in Charleston? (maybe all, or yet more?)
Please respond to this plea by offering methods (via comment) to make WV step up and get in line with this important legislation for our future.
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